Review : Benjamin Coe
Seldom spotted in the wild, Gold Coast rock supergroup Veal have come out of their deep hibernation for their annual live show, but this time they’ve come out swinging with an EP in tow. Pleased To Meat You is not only a long time coming but it is also 6 tracks of balls-to-the-wall, fun fucking rock!
Borrowing from equal parts rock sensibility, punk desperationand heavy metal riffage, Veal show just why when they emerge for their glorious annual gig it’s always a sell-out show! These guys sound like they’re having the time of their lives across theruntime on offer here.
Frontman Dan Maynard passionately kicks and screams his way through the EP, backed by riff-lord axeman Jimmy Glinster of the Coast’s very own metal masters Azreal, who himself is accompanied by the outstanding rhythm section of bassist Matt Nosworthy (formerly of The Green Whistle) and drummer extraordinaire Chris Dennis (Azreal, Tesla Coils, Candy Pain, Face of Mutiny etc. etc.).
Opener, The Darkest Timeline grabs you by the throat and throws you back in your chair before rocking your god damn socks off for the next 20-odd minutes with some good ol’ fashioned heavy tunage. They may be slow on the output but it seems to be a quality-over-quantity mindset in the Veal camp and all that waiting and patience has well and truly paid off!