Better Lovers – Highly Irresponsible [Album Review]

Review: Benjamin Coe

The metal world was dealt a crushing blow the day that Every Time I Die decided to call it quits, but like a phoenix from the ashes comes Better Lovers to whet your appetite for chaotic riffs, monstrous vocals and crushing rhythms.

Featuring 3/5 of the ETID entourage, guitarist Jordan Buckley, bassist Stephen Micciche and drummer Clayton Holyoak are joined by producer/guitarist extraordinaire Will Putney and the ever-so-versatile vocalist Greg Puciato who has made his triumphant return to heavy music after unleashing two very decent solo outings.

Considering the roster, it’s no wonder why Highly Irresponsible is such a hotly anticipated release with metalheads the world over frothing at the maw to hear what this collective are truly capable of.

Following on from last years God Made Me An Animal EP, Puciato and co. have taken their brand of raucous tunes to the next level. Beginning subtly with a smooth yet haunting riff, Lie Between The Lines quickly descends into the type of stylish heaviness you would expect from these guys. Buckley’s signature sound is definitely there but when it’s bolstered by Putney’s own driving riffage it becomes a whole new beast altogether.

Your Misplaced Self is as short as it is aggressive and certainly equals the sum of this bands parts, proving for sure that they are more than just another supergroup. The album’s first single, A White Horse Covered In Blood, showcases not only the collective songwriting abilities of all the members but also the unbelievably dynamic range of vocalist Greg Puciato.

Most recent single, Future Myopia’s riff-fest is truly an auditory treat with the bridge section acting as yet another testament to Puciato’s high contrast between his croon and his bellowing roar. Deliver Us From Life takes things down a couple of notches and provides a little melodic reprieve from the aural assault emanating from the speakers before another short, succinct shot to the ears is delivered via Drowning In A Burning World.

Everything Was Put Here For Me & Superman Died Paralyzed are a one-two punch to the face spread nicely over the better part of 7 minutes, although the pace at which these songs are played would make you think otherwise. Everything is fast, everything is ferocious and at times fatal but never, not once, do these guys falter.

The delay-ridden intro to At All Times signals the end is nigh and provides a perfect platform for Puciato’s aforementioned croon and for the rest of the band to show a softer(?) side to their seemingly otherwise relentless riffage.

Highly Irresponsible closes out as strong as it began with Love As An Act Of Rebellion and honestly, if you’re not pushing play again after the last note rings out, what are you waiting for? Highly irresponsible of you, I’d say.