INIQUITOUS MONOLITH: Brendan Nock talks ‘Monstrous Degradation’

Iniquitous Monolith, a harbinger of sonic torment from Perth, Australia, has unleashed their latest abomination upon the world. This brutal death metal juggernaut, fueled by members hailing from the notorious local acts Depravity, Entrails Eradicated, Nails of Imposition, and DFC, is on a relentless quest to forge a sound that is both unrelenting and uniquely horrific. With their new release, Monstrous Degradation, through the revered Japanese extreme music label Amputated Vein Records, Iniquitous Monolith promises to push the boundaries of the heaviest and goriest grooves known to mankind. This follow-up to their 2022 EP, Sledgehammered, continues their quest for auditory obliteration, solidifying their place as architects of extreme metal’s darkest corners.

The Everblack Podcast spoke to Brendan Nock from INIQUITOUS MONOLITH about their new album ‘Monstrous Degradation’, creating the horrific world through their music and samples, opening for Archspire, touring and more!

Watch/listen to the interview here: 

The debut album is an unforgiving barrage of precise drumming, intricate and cleverly produced riffage displaying immense levels of musicianship, all capped off with a grisly array of vocal styles ranging from puking induced gutturals to blood curdling screams. Not confining themselves within a niche genre, INIQUITOUS MONOLITH extend their reach by combining high measures of intense brutality blended with dissonant overtones and layers of undeniable groove.

Stream & order:
‘Monstrous Degradation’ album released via Amputated Vein Records