Ocean Grove + Paledusk + Inertia + Sunbleached – The Triffid [Live Review]

Review and gallery: JD Garrahy

This is Oddworld, we’re just merely existing in it, and Ocean Grove is providing the soundtrack. Rolling intoThe Triffid on a Friday night, is the perfect way to start a long weekend (thanks Chuck, and happy birthday big fella). Tonight’s bill is stacked and you’re about to hear all about it.

As we sidle into the Brisbane icon, The Triffid, we’re greeted by the sounds of Sunbleached through the PA and its not long before the first of many circle pits of the night is initiated. Providing a stellar kick into gear for the rest of the night, these local fellas have the chops to carve a massive name for themselves. With grungy riffs and slapping percussions, the Brisbane lads waste no time in whipping the crowd into a frenzy.

Inertia, where the fuck have you been my whole life? As a casual listener of this band, I’ve only ever heard the odd song or 2 on the random playlist, but holy damn! These guys are incredible. The vocal range that front man Julian Latouche displays is truly other worldly, hitting the high notes on the melodics but also the guttural growls of a seasoned metal vocalist, Julian’s vocals stand out tonight and if you came into this show without knowing their works, then I guarantee you left as a fan.

With the release of their album Second Shadow, the setlist is peppered with tracks from the afore mentioned, and in a live setting, they just sound absolutely massive. I can’t wait to see what these guys do in the future, they’re so damn good.

Paledusk, what the hell am I supposed to say that hasn’t been said before. Flying roundhouse kicks, face melting riffage and vocal stylings that just smash you straight in the face with no remorse, the international guests on tonight’s bill brought their A game and there isn’t a person in The Triffid that didn’t get maximum bang for their buck with the Japanese quartet.
There is no shortage of circle pits at a Paledusk show and tonight is no different, with the huddled masses sharing sweat and the occasional elbow, memories were forged in the pit tonight that cannot be destroyed. With this being the third time I’ve seen them, I anticipate their return to our fine country the moment they complete their set. Don’t ever sleep on getting tickets to a Paledusk show, its more than worth the price of admission.

Ocean Grove. The evolution of this band has been one to truly admire. They created their own genre in amongst a sea of metal replicants and it goes without saying that they will be remembered in years to come as the pioneers of Oddworld Music. Now, the setlist needs to be addressed, but here’s the kicker, I’m NOT going to give you a blow by blow, track by track summary of said set list as some of the tracks included really surprised me and I don’t want to spoil that for anyone. All I’m going to say, and you’ll know that this is how it kicks off if you’ve been to an Ocean Grove show, the Victorians belt intoFLY AWAY, and that’s where the madness begins.

For anyone that hasn’t been to an Ocean Grove show, it’s difficult to summarise the energy contained withing the venue walls, but if I had to have a crack at it, I’d say its like when the kid with ADHD discovers red cordial for the first time (I speak from experience).

High energy, groove inducing, kick arse tunes that you can’t help but tap your toes to and be left screaming for more.Dale’s vocals tonight are better than I’ve ever heard him, it’s fantastic to see such a brilliant vocalist display his craft with such effortless ease, yet still manage to portray a feeling of “you can’t do what I do up here” vibe. And here’s the thing, he’s damn accurate in that assumption.

The track FLY AWAY isn’t only a killer song, it also shows that Dale has the skills to maintain brilliant vocals, all the while bouncing around the stage like a ballerina on speed.
I always love seeing Twiggy swinging the bass around and really playing up the crowd, and tonight is no different. Giving the crowd exactly what they scream for, Twiggy doesn’t sit still and provides bass lines that are equally astounding in both their simplicity and complexity, I know, weird right?

Make no mistake, this show has it all, a sneaky cameo from Paledusk, an all-encompassing setlist and an atmosphere that could rival some of the biggest stage shows that inhabit other, more cumbersome venues. The future of this band is something that needs to be monitored, and closely, as they are certainly well on their way to doing massive things not only here in the homeland, but also in as many international cities as possible.

When you’ve kicked off a long weekend in this fashion, it’s easy to say that it may not get better, but sometimes it’s good to peak early. Departing The Triffid with merch in hand, core memories aplenty, and new friend ships forged, we are all now on the countdown to when the Ocean Grove boys will be back. If you weren’t at the show tonight, I suggest you get along next time they’re in town, and you can thank me later.
With Special Guests
Paledusk (Japan)
Show Dates:
Saturday 5 October – Manning Bar, Sydney (18+)
Sunday 6 October – Prince Bandroom, Melbourne (LIC/AA)

Tickets on sale now www.destroyalllines.com