Gold Coast Metallers Kaosphere Wear Their Hearts On Their Sleeves with New Single, Alone

Gold Coast metal titans Kaosphere recently released their punishing new album,
In Scars We Trust.

The album is also the first full length release for Australian rock label, XMusic.

After rattling heads with Chain Breaker, War Cry May I and Bring Out The Dead, the band deliver the haunting, Alone.

The track delves into the issues of being Alone after the people you care about talk about you behind your back!  It is about being in a abusive narcissistic one sided relationship that has destroyed a persons soul to the point of being totally alone in that relationship and mental trauma of being in such a relationship.

Kaosphere have a lot to say on In Scars We Trust:

This album has a lot of different elements and styles, from groove metal to death to catchy hooks; hopefully something everyone can connect to. Chain Breaker is about domestic violence and breaking the cycle of abuse, which can be harder than people think, especially when the person enduring it has to move away to escape it. Sometimes, that’s the only way to break the chains, so to speak.

May I is about watching a friend or loved one self-destruct, whether it’s through addiction or just their bad decisions, trying to save them but being unable to because they simply don’t want to be helped.

The heavier and more aggressive War Cry captures the feeling of sitting in a trench during war time, thinking: am I going to see tomorrow, will I survive this? Moving forward into the face of gunfire, even though you watched your friends die in front of you, the fear and other strong, primal emotions this brings out. Our band has family members who have served in conflicts. War Cry captures the essence of what they had to endure and pays tribute to them

We wanted to make a statement on modern media and propaganda and how powerful it is, so we wrote two tracks, Hole In Your Head and Where’s Your God, the first about social media, the second about the manipulation of religion, but both make a statement on how the two have combined. The new religion of fear is in our phones, weaponised media to control the masses. It’s crazy just how powerful social media has become and the effect it’s having on us all, but especially the younger generations, which know nothing else.

This album is a lot more polished than our last recording. We learnt a lot in the process, didn’t rush anything, just took our time with it, and made it the best it could be. Hopefully this dedication and craftsmanship shows through in the listening experience. Kaosphere wants to take fans on a sonic journey, showcasing all we have to offer. We’re really happy with how the album came out and hopefully you all do too.

In Scars We Trust is available now!