After a whirlwind of high velocity singles that included the first ever song released on a slice of pizza, a viral moment with famed bald headed music critic and a vast conspiracy theory involving Garth Brooks, Louisville thrash metalheads, BELUSHI SPEED BALL have at last released their massively anticipated new album Stellkira!
Featuring the standout tracks “My Favorite Color Is Pizza,” “This Is The Peak” and “Garth, Let My Family Go,” Stellkira is a relentless, unbridled, aural assaulting thrill ride of thrash chaos that’s chock full of ludicrous lyrics and absolutely punishing riffs.
The Everblack Podcast spoke to Vinny Crastellano of BELUSHI SPEED BALL about their latest album ‘Stellkira‘, how Jamison Land from GWAR joined the band, thinking outside the box with merch ideas, music on pizza and more!
Watch/listen to the interview here:
Belushi Speed Ball is a Kentucky-based band founded in 2013 as a studio project amongst friends with a penchant for cliché crossover thrash. Their first live performances came soon after, enthralling a rapidly growing fanbase with a uniquely interactive brand of theatrics and unorthodox approach to releases and merch.
Dubbed “one of the funniest fucking things I have heard this year” by The Needle Drop’s Anthony Fantano, Belushi Speed Ball are inspired by bands from Toxic Holocaust and Anthrax to Gwar and Municipal Waste, to whom they simultaneously play homage and satirize a mean comment from a fan in their song “Ripping off Municipal Waste”, which was voted one of Leo Magazine’s top 20 songs of 2022. With a reputation for both trashing venues and meticulously cleaning them up after each individually themed performance, Belushi Speed Ball are masters of executing the unthinkable. From playing out of a Mad Max-esque moving van and starting Terminator-inspired 300-person Nerf gun fights to releasing entire albums in N64… or Furby… formats, nothing is sacred as they continue evolving as, in the words of Metalsucks, “a freakshow of blistering thrash dedicated to laughing its ass off at blistering thrash.”
This year, Belushi Speed Ball are readier than ever to keep that momentum going, with yet another album mastered to perfection by Joel Grind of Toxic Holocaust, as well as a host of festival appearances, tours, and merch set to drop over the months to come.
Reserve your table at metal’s Chuck E. Cheese and grab a piping hot slice of Stellkira from one of the best bands in pizza thrash game to do it!
Purchase/Stream Stellkira Here: